Osteopathy in adults
Are you struggling with persistent physical complaints that just won’t go away?
Have you tried different treatments, but your symptoms return after some time?
Your doctor can no longer help you?
This could be the right moment to have your complaints assessed by an osteopath.
In my practice, I treat people with a wide variety of complaints. Many of my clients have already undergone multipal treatments elsewhere but have not achieved lasting results.
Ik kwam bij Maartje met lage rugpijn. Ik had al jaren last en had al van alles geprobeerd. Zonder resultaat. “Leer er maar mee leven” was het laatste advies. Helaas werd de pijn steeds erger en had ik er gedurende de dag steeds meer last van en ook ‘s nachts wist ik soms niet meer hoe ik moest liggen. Ik was ooit met mijn zoon (20 jaar geleden) bij een osteopaat geweest en dat had toen enorm geholpen tegen de krampjes. Dit zat nog ergens in mijn hoofd en daarom nu voor mezelf een afspraak gemaakt. Binnen een week kon ik terecht bij Maartje. En wat ben ik blij dat ik dat gedaan heb! Zij was de eerste die naar mij als geheel keek in plaats van alleen naar dat ene plekje op mijn rug waar ik pijn had. Al na 1 behandeling was de pijn enorm verminderd. Ik sliep weer en kon weer makkelijker bewegen. Hoewel de pijn op 1 plek zat behandelde ze een totaal andere plek en met goed resultaat. Na een paar behandelingen voelt mijn rug echt veel beter. Ik heb veel minder pijn en ben soepeler. Ik ben blij dat ik naar Maartje toe ben gegaan, ik had dit jaren eerder moeten doen!
Al jaren lang loop ik met hoofdpijn klachten, wat de afgelopen jaren in migraine overging. Via de huisarts naar een fysio gestuurd, maar helaas niet het gewenste resultaat. Ik kwam bij Maartje Peeters terecht, twee dagen nadat ik contact heb gehad. Ze is erg vriendelijk, professioneel en luistert goed naar de klachten. Ik ben nu een aantal keren geweest, verdeeld over een paar maanden, en heb er echt baat bij! Ik heb al een paar maanden geen migraine/hoofdpijn klachten meer!
Common complaints and problems in adults are:
back and neck pain
herniated disc
whiplash complaints
headaches and migraines
burn out
physical tension
complaints around pregnancy
persistent complaints due to injuries or traumata
stomach and intestinal complaints
hypersensitive bladder
menstrual complaints
(chronic) fatigue
dizziness and tinnitus
abdominal complaints / abdominal pain
chronic back pain
jaw pain and jaw clenching
joint pains
unexplained physical complaints
Highlighted Complaints…
Back and neck pain
Back and neck problems are common. Almost everyone expierences them at some point. In many cases these isseus resolve on their own or after a few sessions with a physical therapist. However, many people suffer from persistent or recurring back pain. Despite various treatments and exercise therapy, the symptoms often remain, and X-ray examinations do not always clarify the cause of the pain.
“How this is possible? I explain below.”
Why Choose Osteopathy for Back Pain?
Back and neck pain can sometimes originate from an entirely different part of the body. Tension in certain organs—such as the uterus, bladder, intestines, kidneys, liver and lungs—can also contribute to back pain because these organs are connected to the spine, pelvis, diaphragm and ribs.
When these tissues do not move freely—due to inflammation, adhesions after surgery, endometriosis, or stress—the vertebrae can also become restricted. In such cases, simply treating the back may not be enough.
Additionally isseus with the feet, knees, hips and pelvis can contribute to back pain.
Often, a restriction in one area of the body triggers a chain reaction of problems, even if the blockage itself is not painful.
People experiencing burnout are not only mentally but often physically completely drained. Their energy reserves are depleted, and recharging takes a lot of time.
Various symptoms can occur, such as fatigue, sleep disturbances, mood swings, panic attacks, heart palpitations, and various physical complaints.
The nervous system and adrenal glands are overburdened, causing the body to switch into stress mode at the slightest trigger. Recovering from burnout is, therefore, often a long process.
How can an osteopath help with burnout?
An osteopath helps calm the nervous system by treating specific nerve points and relieving tension in various tissues, including the stomach, intestines, diaphragm, muscles and joints.
Restrictions in the spine are also addressed.
By reducing physical tension and pain, the body regains balance. As a result the client feels better and is less likely to slip back into stress mode. This promotes better sleep and faster recovery. Addressing negative environmental factors is also essential. In many cases, additional support from a coach or psychologist can further enhance the healing process.
Headaches can signifficantly impact daily life. While medication often provides relief, long-term use may lead to unpleasant side effects.
In many cases, headaches have underlying physical causes that can be effectively treated with osteopathy.
How can an osteopath help with headaches?
During a comprehensive physical examination, an osteopath assesses all areas of the body that could contribute to headaches. This includes the neck, back, jaw, and the front of the throat, as well as the flexibility of the thorax, diaphragm and organs in the upper abdomen.
From my years of experience treating headaches, I have often observed that restrictions in the back and neck can exacerbate symptoms. Increased muscle tension caused by stress can also worsen headaches. While this is widely known, what is less commonly understood is that jaw isseus, dental problems, teeth grinding, and clenching can also be significant triggers.
Additionally, there is often considerable muscle tension in the front of the throat.
Moreover, trauma such as a fall on the face or head, as well as whiplash, can lead to persistent headaches.
Sleep problems
Sleep problems can arise from various factors, including stress, overstimulation, hormonal imbalances, or physical pain. For example, in cases of burnout, the nervous system becomes overstimulated and remains in a stress mode, preventing restful sleep. This leads to increased irritability and creates a vicious cycle. Physical discomfort can also hinder the ability to enter a deep sleep.
“As an osteopath, I look for the causes of sleep disturbances and release physical tensions and restrictions using gentle treatment techniques. This helps restore the balance of the body, allowing for a deeper and more restful sleep.”
Contact Osteopathy Peeters
For any questions regarding osteopathy or other questions, please fill in the form
Monday to Friday:
Osteopathy Peeters
Leidseweg 155
2253 AB Voorschoten